Title: | Carbon-Water Coupled Model |
Description: | A carbon-water coupled model (TRIPLEX-CW-Flux) is based on two well-established models: TRIPLEX-Flux model and Penman–Monteith model, and integrates soil moisture and vapor pressure deficits into the stomata conductance submodule to estimate net ecosystem production and evapotranspiration in forest ecosystems.<https://github.com/ShulanSun/rTRIPLEX_CW_Flux>. |
Authors: | Shulan Sun [aut, cre], Wenhua Xiang [aut], Shuai Ouyang [aut], Xiaolu Zhou [aut], Changhui Peng [aut] |
Maintainer: | Shulan Sun <[email protected]>, Xiaolu Zhou <[email protected]>, Wenhua Xiang <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 0.3.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-20 04:44:57 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/shulansun/rtriplex_cw_flux |
A dataset containing the list of input parameters and their description.
A data frame with 1 rows and 31 variables:
the height at wind measurement (m)
the average canopy height (m)
leaf nitrogen content (percent)
maximum nitrogen content (percent)
coefficient (-)
initial stomatal conductance (m mol m-2 s-1)
maximum carboxylation rate at 25 degrees Celsius (umol m-2 s-1)
molar gas constant (m3 Pa mol-1 K-1)
oxygen concentration in the atmosphere (Pa)
standard longitude of time zone (-)
local longitude (degree)
local latitude (degree)
leaf area index of canopy (m2 m-2)
saturated soil volumetric moisture content at depth of 30 cm (percent)
wilting soil volumetric moisture content at depth of 30 cm (percent)
the VPD at stomatal closure (kPa)
the VPD at stomatal opening (kPa)
biomass density of for leaf (kg C m-2 day-1)
biomass density of for sapwood (kg C m-2 day-1)
biomass density of for root (kg C m-2 day-1)
maintenance respiration coefficient for leaf (-)
maintenance respiration coefficient for stem (-)
maintenance respiration coefficient for root (-)
growth respiration coefficient for leaf (-)
growth respiration coefficient for sapwood (-)
growth respiration coefficient for root (-)
carbon allocation fraction for leaf (-)
carbon allocation fraction for sapwood (-)
carbon allocation fraction for root (-)
temperature sensitivity factor (-)
base temperature for Q10 (degrees Celsius)
A dataset containing the list of input variables and their description.
A data frame with 17520 rows and 18 variables:
date. E.g. "2000/01/01".
The wind speed at measured height (m s-1)
air temperature (degrees Celsius)
relative humidity (percent)
vapor pressure deficit (hPa)
soil volumetric moisture at depth of 30 cm (percent)
net radiation at the canopy surface (W m-2)
photosynthetic photon flux density (umol m-2 s-1)
rainfall (mm)
the number of month. E.g."1".
the day of month. E.g."1".
studied year. E.g."2019".
the time of day at 30 min scale (h)
day of year. E.g."1"
carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere (ppm)
Soil heat flux (W m-2)
Observed net ecosystem productivity at 30 min scale (mg CO2 m-2 s-1)
Observed latent heat at 30 min scale (W m-2)
A dataset containing the list of input variables and their description.Just for example.
A data frame with 1488 rows and 18 variables:
date. E.g. "2000/01/01".
The wind speed at measured height (m s-1)
air temperature (degrees Celsius)
relative humidity (percent)
vapor pressure deficit (hPa)
soil volumetric moisture at depth of 30 cm (percent)
net radiation at the canopy surface (W m-2)
photosynthetic photon flux density (umol m-2 s-1)
rainfall (mm)
the number of month. E.g."1".
the day of month. E.g."1".
studied year. E.g."2019".
the time of day at 30 min scale (h)
day of year. E.g."1".
carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere (ppm)
Soil heat flux (W m-2)
Observed net ecosystem productivity at 30 min scale (mg CO2 m-2 s-1)
Observed latent heat at 30 min scale (W m-2)
A dataset containing the list of output variables and their description.
A data frame with 1 rows and 31 variables:
sequence. E.g."1".
date. E.g. "2000/01/01".
The wind speed at measured height (m s-1)
air temperature (degrees Celsius)
relative humidity (percent)
vapor pressure deficit (hPa)
soil volumetric moisture at depth of 30 cm (percent)
net radiation at the canopy surface (W m-2)
photosynthetic photon flux density (umol m-2 s-1)
rainfall (mm)
the number of month. E.g."1".
the day of month. E.g."1".
studied year. E.g."2019".
the time of day at 30 min scale (h)
day of year. E.g."1".
carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere (ppm)
Soil heat flux (W m-2)
Observed net ecosystem productivity at 30 min scale (mg CO2 m-2 s-1)
Observed latent heat at 30 min scale (W m-2)
observed net ecosystem production (gC m-2 30 min-1)
observed evapotranspiration (mm 30 min-1)
net ecosystem production (gC m-2 30 min-1)
evapotranspiration (mm 30 min-1)
gross primary production (gC m-2 30 min-1)
ecosystem respiration (gC m-2 30 min-1)
Runs the TRIPLEX-CW-Flux model. For more details on input variables and parameters and structure of input visit Inputvariable
and Inputpara
TRIPLEX_CW_Flux(Input_variable, Input_parameter, overyear = FALSE)
TRIPLEX_CW_Flux(Input_variable, Input_parameter, overyear = FALSE)
Input_variable |
A table as described in |
Input_parameter |
A table as described in |
overyear |
If overyear is 'TRUE', this means that the input data is full year data. The outputs of the TRIPLEX_CW_Flux function are a long format dataframe and charts of simulated result for net ecosystem productivity (NEP) and evapotranspiration (ET) at 30 min scale, and monthly variation of the input environmental factors.Otherwise, only one graph for net ecosystem productivity (NEP) and evapotranspiration (ET) at 30 min scale is output. |
A list with class "result" containing the simulated results and charts for NEP and ET at 30 min scale, and monthly variation of the input environmental factors. More details on the output is result
Evaporation and Environment. Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology, 19, 205-234. Available at the following web site: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Evaporation-and-environment.-Monteith/428f880c29b7af69e305a2bf73e425dfb9d14ec8
Zhou, X.L., Peng, C.H., Dang, Q.L., Sun, J.F., Wu, H.B., &Hua, D. (2008). Simulating carbon exchange in Canadian Boreal forests: I. Model structure, validation, and sensitivity analysis. Ecological Modelling,219(3-4), 287-299. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.07.011
library(rTRIPLEXCWFlux) data(Inputpara) data(onemonth_exam) out<-TRIPLEX_CW_Flux (Input_variable=onemonth_exam,Input_parameter=Inputpara,overyear=FALSE)
library(rTRIPLEXCWFlux) data(Inputpara) data(onemonth_exam) out<-TRIPLEX_CW_Flux (Input_variable=onemonth_exam,Input_parameter=Inputpara,overyear=FALSE)